Reddot Design

Our commitment to pushing the boundaries of design has always been unwavering. We’re thrilled that this dedication has been globally recognized with the esteemed Red Dot Design Award.
The Red Dot Design Award is an international seal of outstanding design quality. Esteemed for its rigorous evaluation process, winning a Red Dot is a testament to innovative design, functionality, and the visionary spirit of a product. This award acknowledges our relentless pursuit of design excellence, placing our product amongst the best in the world. Inspired by this honor, we remain committed to elevating our design practices, ensuring that our products not only look exceptional but also enhance the user experience in every possible way.

JUUNOO est un système cloison innovant, facile à monter et à démonter. Sa conception intelligente en fait un produit réutilisable et durable.

Cradle to Cradle

We’re proud to announce that our commitment has been recognized with the Cradle to Cradle Silver Certificate — a significant milestone in our sustainability journey.
Achieving the Silver level indicates that our product meets rigorous standards of sustainability and has been crafted with utmost attention to environmental and human health, circular economy compatibility, and ethical production.
This certification isn’t just a testament to the quality of our product but is a reflection of our core values: create impact!

Il ne s'agit pas seulement des caractéristiques du produit circulaire, ni du modèle d'entreprise avec garantie de rachat, ni même du courage dont Chris a fait preuve ; JUUNOO a tout simplement mis sur le marché un produit très solide. Même les particuliers et les entrepreneurs qui n'accordent pas la priorité au développement durable seront séduits par le système en raison de sa facilité d'installation.

Solar Impulse Efficient

Our walls have been recognized with the Solar Impulse Efficient Solution label, a distinction that celebrates transformative sustainable business solutions with the potential to revolutionize our world. This accolade underscores our dedication to creating walls that are not only environmentally friendly and cost-efficient but also have a tangible positive environmental impact.
“In Europe alone, wall production generates a staggering 174 million tonnes of CO2 every year. Alarmingly, 99% of these walls are destined for landfills at the end of their life cycle. JUUNOO, with its patented design, sees this challenge as a chance to redefine sustainable construction.”


Bien que la conception de JUUNOO puisse sembler simple à première vue, elle est le résultat d'années de recherches minutieuses et d'essais à la chaîne. Notre technologie unique nous distingue et nous sommes fiers que le principe fondamental et les améliorations ultérieures soient protégés par des brevets internationaux PCT. Cela garantit que l'innovation que vous voyez dans JUUNOO est vraiment inégalée et qu'elle reste bien protégée dans le processus.



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